People are dying in Gaza. Men are dying on the streets of Gaza. Women are dying in the homes of Gaza. Children are dying in their beds in Gaza.
Regardless of the position of Hamas, regardless of the position of Israel, we should all be revolted at the sight of the innocent being killed. Of course that includes Israelis killed by mindless rockets sent by angry young Palestinian men. But it also includes the Palestinians killed by falling bombs dropped by professional young Israeli men.
There is no doubt that there are Palestinians living in Gaza who are actively attacking Israel. But there is no reason to believe that the overwhelming and disproportionate use of force on the people of Gaza is going to achieve anything other than more violence.
There have been approximately 450 deaths in Gaza caused by the Israeli bombings. Rockets launched from Gaza have killed 4 Israelis. All of these deaths should not have happened.
3 of the Israeli deaths have been of civilians, 1 of a soldier. Figures for Gaza are harder to come by, as hospitals are overcrowded and overwhelmed, but the UN Relief and Works Agency put the number of civilians killed at 63 on Tuesday evening. No men from Gaza city were included in this figure "because there were so many dead men and because it was so hard to identify body parts". It is believed about one third of the casualties are civilians or policemen, that leaves us with roughly 150 non-military killed in one week.
And will this make Israel safer? Will this lead to peace? How can it?
Currently Gaza is under siege. Israel has blockaded Gaza's borders, on land and sea, and controls its airspace. Economic activity in the area has collapsed. It is estimated 70% of the population is without work. Large numbers are totally dependent on food aid - of which precious little manages to get through. Is it any surprise there is growing anger and resentment? Will it be any surprise that military attacks on Gaza create more anger and resentment?
Right now, Israel is punishing the people of Gaza for the government they elected. Israel has destroyed the Gazan economy. Electricity and fuel is restricted. Movement is restricted. And now, people are dying in Gaza. Some of them may indeed have been seeking to attack and kill Israelis, citizens of the occupying power. Some of them won't have been. They die just as easily.
Long-term security can only come about through negotiation. Hamas has in the past said it is willing to accept the creation of a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders - and thus by implication the existance of a Jewish state. Are they good negotiation partners? Certainly not. But it is only by talking that both sides can start to come to an agreement.
Violence against Gaza won't turn the Gazans against Hamas, which Israel seems to believe. The first instinct when members of your people are attacked is to pull together, not fall apart. No, if Israel really wants peace, they need to start talking to Hamas, keep talking to Fatah, talk to everyone, just keep on talking until we move towards agreement.
Because the only other answer is more violence. Violence begets violence.
As I write this, reports are coming in that Israeli troops and tanks have crossed into Gaza. I fear this will become much bloodier.
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